Opportunities to serve WITHIN SHERWOOD.


The Altar Guild is an indispensable group of wonderful volunteers whose ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, flowers, and altar linens—and we’re always looking for more help. Members prepare and decorate the sanctuary for services and are in charge of putting everything away as needed afterwards. If ironing is your superpower, the Altar Guild may be right ministry for you. E-mail Anne Wismer for more information.


There are many opportunities to participate actively in our weekly worship services. We have a core team of ushers, lectors, chalice bearers, and acolytes who always welcome more volunteers to join. There are roles for all ages, training is available, and we work with everyone’s schedules. Whether you come with experience from another parish or you are curious about becoming more involved in our Sunday worship, there’s an opportunity for all. Contact Mother Nancy or Anne Wismer if you are interested.


The Sherwood choir seeks to serve and inspire by providing music for the weekly liturgy, including a broad repertory of anthems as well as leading the congregational singing of hymns and the Missa Brevis. The choir, which sings from September through May, is comprised of professional and amateur singers. We’re always looking for new members. The ability to read music is not required, only the love of singing. The choir rehearses on Sunday mornings before the service, as well as several evening rehearsals throughout the year. Special services include the Advent Service of Lessons and Carols and Choral Evensong.


We believe in Christian Formation for all ages because everyone is on a spiritual journey and it continues well beyond our years in formal education. We offer several opportunities throughout the liturgical calendar―whether it’s a bible study during Lent, instructional Eucharist, or a book study. We also have an annual Lenten Soup and Scripture for the Soul, an opportunity for fellowship and an in-depth look at scripture while sharing a simple meal. We have offered a children’s educational program within the worship service; currently our children are taking a greater role in serving during our worship. Mother Nancy is always open to new ideas for spiritual growth, so contact her if you’d like to contribute one of your own.

We have put together a wonderful schedule of book and bible studies and other activities for 2021-2022 for both adult and youth. View the schedule and email Carey Mednick  if you’d like to sign up or want more information.


Flowers adorn our sanctuary virtually every Sunday throughout the year. Members of our Flower Ministry are tasked with selecting, purchasing, and arranging flowers each week. Through a small donation, parish members are given the option to dedicate a Sunday’s worth of flowers in memory of or in honor of a friend or family member.


On the first Sunday of each month, worshipers have the opportunity to receive specific prayers for healing from one of our lay healing ministers. This takes place in the Church Wing during the Eucharist and has provided great comfort to those in need of extra emotional support.


The coffee hour that follows our weekly 10 am service is a tradition that Sherwood members relish. It gives us time to catch up with friends both old and new while enjoying a variety of tasty treats generously provided by parish members (including some truly expert bakers!). To learn more, check the sign-up sheet in the Church Wing or just join us after the service!


Over the centuries, shawls have come to symbolize shelter, peace and spiritual sustenance. Today knitters of all faiths are creating handmade shawls for people in need, as gifts of comfort, hope and peace. At Sherwood, we meet as a group to make and distribute shawls, wraps, and blankets for anyone in our community who needs them. All knitting and crocheting abilities are welcome! If you’re interested in helping, please e-mail Jane Turnbull.