Our HISTORY is rich, our future bright.

Sherwood Episcopal Church was established in 1826 for local residents who no longer wanted to make the then-arduous journey to either St. James or St. Thomas Episcopal Churches in Baltimore City. Mrs. Frances Thwaites Deye Taylor transferred a one-half acre lot from Sherwood, her estate named after England’s Sherwood Forest, to a group of local residents along with an unfinished building “intended for a Protestant Episcopal church”.

In 1834, Mrs. Taylor transferred an additional five acres to the Reverend Dr. John Johns and the Reverend Dr. John P.K. Henshaw. The church, built “of stone, pointed and striped, rather than plastered”, was consecrated in 1837. Constructed in the 1840s, the original rectory is now the Parish House which is where we host a number of self-help groups. A boys’ school once stood at the church property’s gateway, and its foundation was later used to build the rectory’s wing.

Mrs. Taylor passed away in 1870 and is buried in Sherwood’s cemetery, along with many names familiar to citizens of Baltimore County, including members of the Bosley, Merryman, and Cockey families. This rich history enhances Sherwood’s present life and in the spirit of friendship and Christian fellowship, the congregation continues to work for the extension of our mission in our community.